Why Choose Pleasant
View Christian School?

Committed to Students Academically & Spirtually

At the heart of our mission statement is our commitment to come alongside Christian parents to assist them in helping their students reach their potential both academically and spiritually.  Schools are social institutions in which students learn about the world and their roles therein. According to author Richard Edlin in The Cause of Christian Education, “Christian schools are uniquely positioned to join with Christian parents in preparing and challenging young people to be Christ’s ambassadors within a culture fixated on self-centered consumerism, bewildered cynicism and heart-wrenching despair.”

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”   Job 28:28

Believing that Christian schools serve an increasingly vital purpose, he recommends parents “seriously consider the religious environment of the school in which they wish to immerse their children and from which they will absorb their values and views of life.” He adds, “The Christian ethic is incompatible with secular humanism which underlies modern education.”

The goals of a Christian education are not shared by the secular world. When parents enroll their children in Christian school, they are demonstrating their commitment to have their children learn about art, mathematics, social studies, music and other subjects in a way that helps them to see God at work in His world, and a way that will ideally lead youngsters to respond in obedient service to God through these subjects.


  • Students learn a pattern for life built on the certainty of the Word of God
  • The Christian world view is reflected in every activity of the school
  • Teachers are bonded through a common purpose and a strong spirit of support and sharing
  • Students discover their glorious potential as part of God’s creation; they are encouraged to develop all of their abilities in response to the Lord
  • Teachers model Christian behavior
  • Students learn that conservation is about much more than a scarcity of resources; it has to do with good stewardship and accountability to the Creator

PVCS Academic Levels

Learn more about each academic level offered at Pleasant View Christian School.